Saturday, December 5, 2009

MK Independant Beauty Consultants I need help?

I am a new recruit, and I was exited at first, but now I'm not so. My sales directer does not seem to want to be bothered with me, because I have tons of questions, and she acts like I should know everything about the business which I don't, I never hosted a MK pary before, or never even knew anything about Mary Kay, and I told her this before she recruited me, and she said oh, I'll help you, and I'll be there for you to get you started on your way to success. She has not came through with that promise, and I am left with so many questions. I need to order my business kit yet, and get my web site up, and running. I'm really sad, and getting pretty depressed about this. I would appreciate it if any MK consultant's out there had any suggestions for me...Thank so muchMK Independant Beauty Consultants I need help?
I am so sorry to hear you situation. My director has always been very supportive and I am very lucky to be adopted by another Director that is just as helpful. Because I live an hour away form my Director I go to someone else's trainings and events.

When you first receive your starter kit it is very over whelming take your time and read through everything don't get ahead of yourself sometime those answer are there not to say that your Director should be helping or directing you to get your answer but since she isn't then don't let he cause you to fail you have everything you need in your starter kit so read through it then call her and tell her what you need VERY clearly and direct example I need an hour of your time to help me organize or answer question or whatever or I would like to come with you to see you do a show or ask her to do a Debut for you or if that's something she does after you call her ands clearly ask for specific need if she doesn't respond in a way that's helpful to you call the company tell then you Director is not providing you the help you need can they find you someone in your area call that Director and explain your situation.

I am opposite personality I am a self learner I rather read all the info and learn by watching others the meeting are very helpful as well as seeing the Director do classes I learn something new every time a director does a guest event and I have been doing this for 4 years.MK Independant Beauty Consultants I need help?
Hi, This is Robert's wife... I had a similar experience with MK. I ended up finding a company that offers so much more with people and associates that really are there to help. MK's Compensation plan actually is better for the first level and that is why alot of Directors have a hard time being motivated to help others under them. (They get less of a cut). I really don't have an answer for your question. Just wishing you the best of Luck!


PS. My email is and I am willing to help out in the area of motivation and personal growth if you would like! Let me know.

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